240525 Academy of Ancient Music Sons of England


Programme to include works by Henry Purcell, Samuel Pepys, GF Handel, MC Festing and Ignatius Sancho, and a new work by Roderick Williams

Two hours including interval


Academy of Ancient Music

Laurence Cummings - director & harpsichord

Reginald Mobley - countertenor

Box Office

Cambridge Live 01223 357851

£37.50–18.50. £5 for under-35s (AAMplify scheme).

Book tickets

Pre-Concert Talk

A free pre-concert talk will take place at 6.30pm in the auditorium.

Baroque England was a nation turned inside out: a fledgling democracy that could also be profoundly unjust, a culture convinced of its own uniqueness but which welcomed genius from all lands. Tonight, Academy of Ancient Music explores an era that’s never felt more current.

So, the music of the London-born Purcell sits alongside masterpieces by Handel – a German who became English by choice – and Ignatius Sancho, who was born into slavery but found freedom and musical success in Georgian England. Curated by American countertenor Reginald Mobley, Sons of England weaves music and words to explore alternative histories of the English baroque, culminating in a Sancho-inspired new commission by composer Roderick Williams: musical history shaping a shared future.

This performance is part of AAM’s subscription series discount.

more about the Academy of Ancient Music

Academy of Ancient Music (AAM) is an orchestra with a worldwide reputation for excellence in baroque and classical music. Using historically-informed techniques, period-specific instruments and original sources, we bring music vividly to life in committed, vibrant performances.

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