Fauré's intricately structured Theme & Variations is one of the few examples of variation form in French keyboard music. It is grand, spaciously lyrical and brilliant. The poised Nocturne 11 and elusive 8th Barcarolle could not be more different.
Ravel's homage to the romantic imagination and Liszt, in the form of three tone-poems, is notorious for its technical demands. Its unsurpassed beauty, extraordinary keyboard effects and astonishing vision set apart from almost all other piano works.
more about David Christophersen
Oslo-born David Christophersen, is Artistic Director of the Cambridge Concert Series at West Road Concert Hall has performed throughout the UK including at the Woburn Abbey Festival, Bristol St George's, Edinburgh's Reid Hall, Oxford's Hollywell Music Room, London's St John's Smith Square, broadcast for BBC Radio 3. Recent projects have included premieres of new solo and chamber works by Jeremy Thurlow, Maria Ptaszynska and Robin Holloway, performances with Marie-Noelle Kendall of Holloways monumental 'Gilded Goldbergs and a tour with Prokofiev's War Sonatas.